Monday, October 24, 2011

Battlefield 3 Launch

Tonight at midnight, lock and load ladies and gentlemen...can't wait. For your enjoyment...a fanmade trailer.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Mists of Pandaria

 Well, It's that time of year again.  No not christmas, but for some of the people that play World of Warcraft it may feel like that.  It's time for Blizzcon.  The biggest announcement?  Mists of Pandaria.  As much as I love writing and feel i could do a great job of covering all the new content myself...I feel that the folks over at MMO Champion did a much better job So you should check out their constant great updates on Mists of Pandaria Also, Blizzards got their own site for Mists of Pandaria up that you can check out Here.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

BF3 Beta Caspian Border

Ok so i'll hand it to DICE/EA, they really did end up pulling it all together with the beta for Battlefield 3.  I managed to rank up quite a few times playing through metro and while there are still a few bugs and glitches that are present, the dev team has announced The top 10 issues they're working on for release.

Some Jet Gameplay from IGN 

First and foremost, they're not patching the beta, and are instead investing time into the actual release version of the game.